The Scents

Each fragrance is handmade in small batches and each year new scents are rediscovered and lovingly recreated by hand.
Rebecca will always make Rosewater from Rose Damescena, based on her insatiable love of roses and her unwaivering interest in Dolley Madison and the White House Rose Garden.
Recent visits to Arlington House (now Arlington National Cemetery) revealed the site of the flower garden there where eleven different types of roses were grown. (see picture) Stay tuned for more research on this!
And she will always recreate the most popular scent of the last 400 years. Her version is called 1789 because that is the year she can document this exact recipe in North Amercia. Her research has revealed that this blend has been worn by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Marquis de Lafayette. She has also found references of this blend in France from the Royal Courts of King Louis XIV.
Check back for more updates!

A view of the flower gardens adjacent to Arlington House (now Arlington National Cemetery)